Image is for illustrative purposes only and shows large bouquet or plant in full blooming season. Click here for more information

‘Baby Blue’ Letterbox Fresh Flowers


Love eucalyptus? Then Baby Blue is the box for you. Packed full to the brim with three different scented Eucalyptus varieties. It’s perfect for adding into an arrangement you already have or simply stunning in a vase by themselves. Letterbox fresh flower delivery anywhere in the UK.

Your letterbox flower box will arrive beautifully fresh, ready to arrange in a vase and enjoy in your home or sent as the perfect flower gift. Included in the floral arrangement is a care guide and flower food.

Flowerbox pictured is luxury version. Stem count may vary. Vase not Included.

Next delivery day available is Saturday 8th February, please choose your date below.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Full Description


Love eucalyptus? Then Baby Blue is the box for you. Packed full to the brim with three different scented Eucalyptus varieties. It’s perfect for adding into an arrangement you already have or simply stunning in a vase by themselves. Letterbox fresh flower delivery anywhere in the UK.

Your letterbox flower box will arrive beautifully fresh, ready to arrange in a vase and enjoy in your home or sent as the perfect flower gift. Included in the floral arrangement is a care guide and flower food.

Flowerbox pictured is luxury version. Stem count may vary. Vase not Included.