Image is for illustrative purposes only and shows large bouquet or plant in full blooming season. Click here for more information

‘My Enchanted Heart’ Fresh Flower Bouquet



This bouquet is created with luscious whites, greens and grey flowers and foliage’s. Including gorgeous large headed roses, tall striking snapdragons, petite spray roses and pretty infill flowers as well as scented eucalyptus. Say Happy Mother’s Day with a Love & Blooms bouquet. Fresh flower bouquet delivery anywhere in the UK.

Our handtied bouquets are designed and created by a team of expert florists, presented in an aqua pack with liquid based gel ensuring your flower bouquet will arrive beautifully fresh, ready to enjoy in your home or sent as the perfect flower gift. Included in the floral arrangement is a care guide and flower food.

Bouquet pictured is exquisite version. Stem count may vary.

Next delivery day available is Tuesday 30th April, please choose your date below.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY

Full Description


This bouquet is created with luscious whites, greens and grey flowers and foliage’s. Including gorgeous large headed roses, tall striking snapdragons, petite spray roses and pretty infill flowers as well as scented eucalyptus. Say Happy Mother’s Day with a Love & Blooms bouquet. Fresh flower bouquet delivery anywhere in the UK.

Our handtied bouquets are designed and created by a team of expert florists, presented in an aqua pack with liquid based gel ensuring your flower bouquet will arrive beautifully fresh, ready to enjoy in your home or sent as the perfect flower gift. Included in the floral arrangement is a care guide and flower food.

Bouquet pictured is exquisite version. Stem count may vary.