Image is for illustrative purposes only and shows large bouquet or plant in full blooming season. Click here for more information

‘My Happy Place’ Flower Bouquet



Expertly created by our florists, this blush, peach, ivory and yoke,’My Happy Place’ fresh flower bouquet includes blousy roses, sweet scented waxflower, tall striking snapdragons and cute craspedia spheres. It’s a classically beautiful bouquet that is ready to spread happiness abundantly. Our hand-tied bouquets are designed and created by a team of expert florists.

Fresh flower bouquet delivery anywhere in the UK.

Bouquet pictured is exquisite version. Stem count may vary.

Next delivery day available is Thursday 6th February, please choose your date below.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY

Full Description


Expertly created by our florists, this blush, peach, ivory and yoke, ‘My Happy Place’ flower bouquet includes blousy roses, sweet scented waxflower, tall striking snapdragons and cute craspedia spheres. The ‘My Happy Place’ flower bouquet is a classically beautiful bouquet that is ready to spread happiness abundantly.

Fresh flower bouquet delivery anywhere in the UK.

Our hand-tied bouquets are designed and created by a team of expert florists, presented in an aqua pack with liquid based gel ensuring your flower bouquet will arrive beautifully fresh, ready to enjoy in your home or sent as the perfect flower gift. Included in the floral arrangement is a care guide and flower food.

Bouquet pictured is exquisite version. Stem count may vary.

Our Top Tips For Keeping Your Flowers Flourishing

All flowers are thirsty creatures. Make sure you top the water up regularly to around halfway up your vase and use the flower food provided too. Flower food sashays not only give essential nutrients to the flowers but maintain the pH level of the water and decrease the amount of bacteria. Water and flower food together help prolong the life of your flowers and foliage.

Location is key, keep your flowers away from sources of heat and away from direct sunlight as this causes them to dehydrate quicker and fade faster. A cold draught and colder temperatures can give them a chill which makes their petals and leaves discolour. Flowers unfortunately can’t recover from this. Lastly try not to place them near Fruit. Ripening fruit like Apples, Bananas and Avocados can cause flowers to wilt, wither and age quicker

Maintenance is very important for your flowers. A little TLC every 2-3 days, even just changing their water will help to keep them blooming for longer.